Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
#444924 by AlanJones Thu Nov 28, 2024 12:48 am
From: U.N - [email protected]
Subject: Congratulation's Dear Honorable Beneficiary.
Other Email: [email protected]
Tel. No.: +16397390708

FROM THE DESK Of António Guterres,Secretary-General of the United Nation.
405 E 42nd St, New York, NY 10017,United States.

E-mail: [email protected]
Official Direct Tel: +1 (639)-739-0708.

Attention: Dear Honorable Beneficiary.


The United Nations Compensation Commission in Affiliation with the World Bank is using this medium to compensate all victims of Natural Disaster and scam victims including those Lottery winners who have not yet received their winning prizes due to corrupt officials of the payment department.

And including those families that have lost their love once in the Military troop sent to Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan Liberia Israel, the United Nation has made it a mandatory task to include such families that lost their dearest during there service to the United States Army and to other Military forces from other countries World Wide.

We have received so many complaints about the widespread corruption and irregularities within the officials both in Government and Banking sectors and also within the Lottery organization. So many lucky winners of the UK National Lottery, Irish Lottery, Coca Cola Lottery, FIFA World cup Lottery, Microsoft/Yahoo Lottery, Commonwealth Lottery, Shell Petroleum Lottery, Euro Million Lotteries and Inheritance/contract that have not received their winning prizes and funds up till now.

The United Nation Compensation Commission is receiving a direct support from the World Bank and the British government to compensate all Lottery Winner and Scam victims that have not yet received their winning prizes and funds with the sum of US$10,500,000.00 USD, the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F) made us to understand that the reason why many beneficiaries have not received their winning prizes and funds was due to corrupt officials in the Lottery organization and also corrupt bank officials who were suppose to make the release of the beneficiaries funds without further delay.

In most cases, these corrupt officials have diverted the lottery winning funds into their own personal bank accounts. After the last auditing carried out by the U.N senior auditors, we discovered that 58% of lottery winners did not receive their winning prizes and after a series of investigations, we discovered that some corrupt officials within the lottery organization have diverted the lottery prizes of many beneficiaries to themselves.

The United Nation Compensation Commission is using this opportunity to apologize to all lottery winners that have not yet received their winning prizes to be rest assured that you will be compensated because your name and e-mail address appeared among the list of foreign beneficiaries that have not yet received their winning prizes and funds so therefore, we are compensating you with the sum of US$10,500,000.00 USD.

Please do not hesitate to tell us if you have any out-standing debt of contract payment, investment or inheritance funds that have not been paid to you no matter any year that they have been owning you kindly inform this office so that we can assist with the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F) investigation Unit and recover the funds back to you without any problem, for now we are only compensating you with the above mentioned amount.

To claim your compensation fund, you are officially instructed to provide us with your information as stated below,
(1) Full Name................
(2) Address..................
(3) Occupation..............
(4) Age...........
(5) Direct phone number........
(6) Scan a copy of your driver’s license.....

Immediately you provided the above details, I shall use it to secure an approval documents from our office so that I can forward it to the accredited paying Bank with your remit Authorization from the World Bank to enable the onward release of your compensation fund which stipulated the sum of US$10,500,000.00 USD ONLY.

Congratulations in advance,
We are working for peace, right and well-being,

Yours Truly,
António Guterres,
Secretary-General of the United Nations

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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